Thoughts from Mission Resource's Director and Founder, Dave Ketchum, and Communications Director, Steve Gross.
October 2020
Once again, we thank our donors, especially the donors who played in our Golf Classic. On Thursday, September 24, 2020, our 12th annual tournament was held at Otter Creek Golf Course with our largest field ever. 88 golfers competed on simply a spectacularly beautiful autumn day.
Stephen Ayree spoke at our lunch at the Golf Classic. He mentioned how the vision of Mission Resource is different in that our efforts are to help the Kingdom of God grow through investing in Christian businesses. He stated that there will always be a need for emergency relief efforts when natural disasters hit, etc., but so often organizations who give past the emergency need create issues of dependency. Whereas Mission Resource is investing in the long-term—investing so our African Brothers and Sisters can take care of their daily needs and give to their local congregation and share the love of Christ with their customers. One of the goals often discussed is to have more African missionaries on the field who are supported by African congregations.
Emmanuel in his September Prayer News shared “that many of the things God has done for us, most of which we are not aware of. And so often even when we are aware of them, we do not take the time to thank Him for them.” SO TRUE!!!!! GOD PLEASE FORGIVE US, we the most blessed generation ever to live. Emmanuel also asked for prayer. Even though many of our clients are recovering from the impact of COVID 19, some are still struggling to make their loan payments.
As November 3rd approaches, we want to mention the need for prayer for the upcoming United States election, but not only pray for our election, but the one to be held in Ghana on December 7th. Both are highly contentious as well. We pray both countries have a smooth transition of power. The United States has set the standard for the world in this, and Ghana has set the standard for Sub-Saharan Africa as well.
David A. Ketchum
September 2020
Mission Resource is so thankful for continuity. We thank the source of that continuity, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are blessed with great continuity in our staff here and overseas as well as with you our donors.
As many of you know, Kelly Hoover came back to work for Mission Resource when Abby Glasser left a year ago. We knew she would need to find full time work once Sam, her youngest, graduated from High School. Well, that happened, and Kelly has continued to fulfill her role with Mission Resource through the summer while working at her other position. During the year, Kelly has been so helpful. She researched donor software and implemented a better less expensive system. She helped organize our first virtual banquet and has done whatever was needed to keep us humming. We are transitioning as Melissa Burton has joined us and is in training with Kelly. Both Kelly and Abby have done an excellent job in organizing and keeping great files on how we do each aspect of the ministry. Therefore, the transition should be virtually seamless. Melissa comes to Mission Resource from the Christian Radio Ministry in Columbus where she worked the last 10 years. She loves the Lord and comes with a genuine heart for ministry. We are so happy to welcome Melissa and look forward to see how God uses her. Many of you will get the chance to meet her at our 12th Annual Golf Classic at Otter Creek on September 24th.
The reports from Mission Resource Ghana, Liberia, and Kenya, are all upbeat. The airports are opening and the restrictions are being lifted. Ask and it shall be given, says the Bible. Nothing that God promises us fails. “We have asked for his mercies over the COVID 19 pandemic and the good signs are showing up that He is healing our country and the world as a whole from the virus. May His grace be plentiful over us.” Emmanuel Akorli, Mission Resource Ghana
David A. Ketchum
August 2020
Once again, I want to share from Emmanuel’s monthly report for Mission Resource Ghana. Your prayers and gifts have allowed him to write the following:
PRAISE GOD FOR THE IMPACTS MISSION RESOURCE IS MAKING IN THE KINGDOM THROUGH BUSINESSES. The purpose for which Mission Resource came into existence is to make impact in the spread of the Gospel through businesses. Our relationship and training we give to our clients have a lot of emphasis about how they impact on others and the kingdom through their businesses. We can praise God for two churches that have been started through the loans. Though one is closed as a result of the passing away of the leader, the other is very strong with over 100 membership and baptizing over 200 souls.
Many of the business owners we support share the gospel with their customers, supplier, and employees, and some people have come to Christ through this. We have some of our beneficiaries who have used a lot of their business profits to glorify God in several ways such as:
a. Construction of church buildings.
b. Buying church instruments.
c. Holding crusade to win souls.
d. Supporting the education of needy church members.
e. Paying for hospital bills for aged poor people.
They have made significant impacts on people and the kingdom for which we can all thank God. Beyond this, several people have been helped to have their own jobs instead of looking for non-existing jobs.
As life on this earth continues, although in a way different for all of us, I want to encourage us all to be more cognizant than ever of those around us who need Jesus. Sometimes I find myself complacent. Let’s all rest in Him, but not “grow weary of sharing the Good News we have in Him.”
David A. Ketchum
July 2020
What a weird year! Thanks to you, our finances are still strong, and our ability to grant funds to our partners in Ghana, Liberia, and Kenya continues. Please pray for the businesses Mission Resource works with. The old saying that when the “U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold” certainly is true during COVID 19. In Ghana our clients who own taxis and vans have been especially hurt. We, also, have several clients who operate private schools. They, too, are experiencing hardship. With schools closed, there is no revenue. Unlike the U.S. government that has given out funds and made low interest loans available, Ghana and the developing world has done no such thing.
I know I have mentioned this often, but I want to say how thankful I am that Mission Resource invested in Samaritan FM 88.3. It recently blessed its listenership with a program on finances with tips on borrowing and lending. The Mission Center is now plastered inside and outside. The next steps are to put in the windows and outside doors. It is probable that it will open in 2020. The issue now is whether or not the Ghanaian airport will reopen in 2020, and whether or not it will be safe to resume international travel.
Kelly has decided she can no longer remain working for Mission Resource. She has been exceptional, just like she was when she worked for us before. She stepped in when Abby left and really kept things moving forward at a high level. She evaluated new donor software and instituted our use of Little Green Light, which has saved us a lot of money and is a more efficient way to keep track and to integrate it into our different fundraising platforms. Please pray for the right person to fill this role.
David A. Ketchum
Mission Resource continues to support our partners in Ghana, Kenya, and Liberia thanks to your
June 2020
What a weird year! Thanks to you, our finances are still strong, and our ability to grant funds to our partners in Ghana, Liberia, and Kenya continues. Please pray for the businesses Mission Resource works with. The old saying that when the “U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold” certainly is true during COVID 19. In Ghana our clients who own taxis and vans have been especially hurt. We, also, have several clients who operate private schools. They, too, are experiencing hardship. With schools closed, there is no revenue. Unlike the U.S. government that has given out funds and made low interest loans available, Ghana and the developing world has done no such thing.
I know I have mentioned this often, but I want to say how thankful I am that Mission Resource invested in Samaritan FM 88.3. It recently blessed its listenership with a program on finances with tips on borrowing and lending. The Mission Center is now plastered inside and outside. The next steps are to put in the windows and outside doors. It is probable that it will open in 2020. The issue now is whether or not the Ghanaian airport will reopen in 2020, and whether or not it will be safe to resume international travel.
Kelly has decided she can no longer remain working for Mission Resource. She has been exceptional, just like she was when she worked for us before. She stepped in when Abby left and really kept things moving forward at a high level. She evaluated new donor software and instituted our use of Little Green Light, which has saved us a lot of money and is a more efficient way to keep track and to integrate it into our different fundraising platforms. Please pray for the right person to fill this role.
David A. Ketchum
Mission Resource continues to support our partners in Ghana, Kenya, and Liberia thanks to your
May 2020
First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who participated in the First Annual Mission Resource “virtual banquet”. I believe, even though we had a little glitch at the end, it was a great success. We had people streaming from all over the country and even in other countries, and historically, that was out of the realm of possibility. With that being said, I would hope we will have a virtual banquet that coincides with our physical banquet in the future. Only God knows that one.
One of the things that has changed in my life is I have been taking walks multiple times a week since my return. It has really opened my eyes to how small the world becomes. One cannot go very far by walking. In Ghana and in the two-thirds world, there are small congregations scattered throughout the neighborhoods, villages and cities. Now I get it more than ever. When you are dressed up in your Sunday clothes, and it is your day of rest from the week of work, you do not want to walk a long way to church. You do not want to pay to get on public transportation. You just want to worshipwith your neighbors close by. I truly get it.
At the conclusion of the “virtual banquet” we shared a link to Morgan Murdock’s video about the Mission Center. Please take a couple minutes, watch it, and share it with your friends. Our goal is to have it completed in 2020. The Mission Center will help Mission Resource be even a better link to Ghana and the rest of Africa.
David A. Ketchum
April 2020
You continue to support the work of Mission Resource and allow me to lead the work that is truly making a differencein hundreds of lives. At the beginning of April, I returned from Ghana on a U.S. State Department sponsored repatriation flight, just one night before the President of Ghana closed their airport to passenger traffic for 14 days. Needless to say, there were a handful of days of uncertainty.
The trip seemed extremely productive. I was able to physically walk through the Mission Center and see it first hand for the first time. It will be a tremendous asset and means forward.
I was able to meet many of our new clients, pray with them, and encourage them. Over the last few months, we have empowered a couple pastors to administer loans in their rural areas. So, probably the highlight of the trip was going to a few villages in the southern part of the Volta Region to meet them. It was so neat to see their smiles and gratefulness. These small loans are giving them hope and a means to support their family and their congregation. It is real HOPE!
David A. Ketchum
March 2020
Your support helped Mission Resource have its best year yet. Over 50 percent of all income to us went toward direct support of our projects in Ghana, Kenya, and Liberia. We are so thankful and grateful for our partners who are excellent stewards of the funds given. Emmanuel Akorli in Ghana, Peter Mulwale in Kenya, and Sei Buor in Liberia are all men of integrity and faithful followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As I indicated in the February letter, my plan was to be in Ghana at the end of the month. God evidently had other plans. My Ghana Visa did not arrive on time to make that trip. In fact, it arrived 10 days later. That caused me not to be able to go to Liberia, and be there for Edinam Designs, Ernestina’s business, to ship her largest order to date.
One thing I feel certain of is that the level of uncertainty on every level is higher than at any time in my life—politically, economically, and culturally. The only solution is for us to be in prayer and not allow the uncertainty to paralyze us. One of my friend’s grandpa was a painter. He often said that there were many houses that were not painted due to a chance of rain.
Remember, the Mission Resource banquet is Thursday evening April 30th. We’d love for you to join us.
David A. Ketchum
February 2020
You simply cannot imagine the thrill I get when I see new photos and videos every few days of the Mission Center that is really coming along in Ghana. You are providing the funds for it to happen. Imagine the people, some within a few months, and others beyond our lifetime who will get to experience Ghana and beyond because of this facility. Our prayer is that this God-given vision is preserved and taken from Ghana to other African countries and to many other countries in the world. I look forward to sharing pictures and videos at our banquet in April.
One of the businesses I am truly excited to see develop is Kaaka Organic Ginger Powder. One of the best places to grow ginger is in the northern Volta Region of Ghana because of the abundance of rain. Ginger has been grown there for generations. Iddi Issifu has been faithfully putting together his business plan. He began by selling whole ginger he purchased and transported to the southern part of the country to sell. After experimenting with drying it, he decided it made more sense to sell ginger powder. It has a longer shelf life. It is easier to transport. It has an international market. Over the last several months, Mission Resource has helped him purchase a slicer and grinder to get him started. I look forward to visiting Iddi on my next trip to Ghana at the end of this month.
Save the Date! Please consider putting Thursday, April 30th on your calendar for the upcoming 2020 Banquet.
David A. Ketchum
January 2020
2020. It does not sound that unusual to me since that was my and my parents’ address for over 50 years. But, 2020 the year does seem nearly beyond comprehension, especially to us baby-boomers who think 2000, the new century, was just yesterday. That being said, you have allowed Mission Resource to continue to thrive and enhance Africans lives along with their proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We begin January with fervent faith that the Mission Resource vision will continue to impact our African partners as well as our U.S. partners who support it. Construction will begin again this month on the Mission Center with the dream of getting the roof done in the first quarter. Perhaps the first mission group will be able to stay in it before the year concludes.
Please pray for the right people to come forward to be the caretakers of the Mission Center, Americans and Ghanaians. Morgan Murdock is preparing a brand new video that explains the vision and shows the progress and plan. We are so grateful for how God is providing through you and cannot wait to see how 2020 evolves.
David A. Ketchum