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Soil Experiment Part 2: Soil Rehab

In yesterday's post I began to describe an experiment involving growing some plants in play sand and some in sand plus Soil Rehab. Before revealing the results, it might be helpful to let you know what makes Soil Rehab unique.

Scott Laskowski, founder of OrganiLock, has spent years in research and development of Soil Rehab and the machinery necessary to produce it. What I am about to describe almost seems too good to be true - which is exactly why I felt compelled to test it out at home.

Soil Rehab is a combination of biochar, organic wood waste, and animal waste. One of the beautiful things about this product is that the word "waste" here is accurate and literal - this is material that would otherwise likely go into a landfill! All this "waste" is ground together, dehydrated, and pasteurized and then beneficial soil microbes are added. The result is a powerful soil amendment that actually revitalizes soil so that it can support healthy harvests.

Yesterday I showed pictures of the plants which were given nothing but sand and water. The bean plants were skinny, pale, and shedding the few leaves they developed. The marigolds reached 2 or 3 inches and then stopped growing.

Now it's time to reveal the progress of the plants which had sand, water, AND Soil Rehab. Maybe it could go without saying that in the photo below these plants are on the left and the sand plants are on the right.

I should mention that the plants on the left had the same amount of sand as those on the right. the only difference was the addition of a couple of tablespoons of Soil Rehab for those on the left. (And, it turns out, I used probably twice as much as I should have.)

But back to the results: the bean plants in the Soil Rehab mix are producing multiple beans and they are all moving toward a length worth harvesting.

The marigold is 10 inches tall and ready to bloom. The main bloom is right there on top, but 6 or 7 other buds are also developing.

You might have noticed that the roots I showed yesterday were not too extensive on the sand beans:

Compare that to this root system in the Soil Rehab mix. I took this picture of the side of the container because I didn't want to kill off these bean plants while they are doing so well.

So I what I am saying is ... count me among the believers.

I am excited to be involved in getting Soil Rehab into the hands of farmers in Haiti and Ghana and ... anywhere soil is needing a boost to become productive again.

Please pray for wisdom, vision, and favor for us at Mission Resource and the same for the leadership at OrganiLock as we move forward together in this venture.

We believe God is at work to "make deserts like the Garden of Eden"! (Isaiah 51:3) Will you join us in this calling? It's going to take prayer and funding.


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